the strange little man: come in, sit down!
us: oh, we're meeting people. *looking around*
tslm: yes, yes, come in.
us: are they here?
tslm: no, you're the first.
us: (having already spoken to mara about how she's there) um.... *glancing at each other*
tslm: where are you going?
us: we, uh, er *bolting for the door*
so then we arrive upstairs and find mara and chris. now, barret describes this restaurant as being a kitten inside a box of fireworks with javan (psychotic older brother of jayanna) standing outside with a match. the restaurant describes it as "where chili pepper lights meets (sic) christmas tree lights". you be the judge:

anyway, after almost having a seizure and/or stroke at the restaurant, pdb eventually arrives and we regale him with birthday love and alcohol (also of the birthday variety). after dinner, we somehow decided that it would be a good idea to make a little wager. let's blame mara, because i think it was her doing.
so, this is how it goes: wouldn't it be interesting for us to each give something up for the month of march? we'll call it march madness, and we'll go a month without said vice. yeah, ha, ha, that'll be fun. these are the things we are giving up:
pdb- shopping and all that incurs. he can still take cabs and buy alcohol. (just one vice at a time.)
chris- coffee. he can have one cup decaf a day.
barret- smoking cigarettes.
mara- eating out. includes buying beverages, other than water.
and me? i'm giving up sugar. i am allowed one serving of fruit a day and that's it. after we made our pact, we all immediately regretted it. but being the stubborn people we are, none of us rescinded. yet. of course, we're not starting until tomorrow. we are each allowed my birthday to indulge in our addiction, so there's a "free" day in there. if any of us make it that long.
i'll keep you posted.