yeah, well, i wish i could harness the ever-insightful and easily summed up wisdom of dhmd, as i like to call him, because:
1. i'm into circularity
2. i don't know how the hell to sum up the past few days.
now, i know it's not really my style to sum up, anyway. i'm more of a pick-a-random-happening-and-go-into-way-too-much-detail-about-it person. but, to be honest, i can't think of anything to write about.
let me take a moment to talk about this whole "nothing to write about" phenomenon. ben doesn't believe in writer's block. he says that sometimes he is just empty of ideas. this from someone getting his masters in poetry. i mean, really, how UN-poetic is that? besides, i think saying you don't have any ideas temporarily is the SAME THING as writer's block.
either way, i'm stuck. i don't know how i'm going to finish (start) my screenplay OR the t.v. show debbie and i are "working on" if i don't have anything to write about. i need a muse. you know like josie from the book the immortal:
don't pretend like you don't know what i'm talking about. christopher pike rocked (and still does, as far as i'm concerned).
and on top of the double problem of the screenplay and television series, i can't even come up with a decent blog entry. this is sad.
and the only solution is to peruse the immortal for ideas. i'll let you know how that goes.
I think it would be a great idea to write about Kris. And perhaps write about him from the third person. Kris loves that. Not to mention that he is a veritable fount of interesting topics. Take for instance his dashing good looks, or his tendency to travel ala monkey. Just a thought.
Just as I had suspected, someone giving you an idea to write about THEM! That stupid Kris. I was just going to give you an idea of things to write about:
shoe laces
polar bears
my 3rd grade teacher
ok i'm done
NOOOOO!!!!! The is actual a Christopher Pike Book I didn't read! "I must, I must, increase my" book collection!
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