for instance, inter-office mailing up or down two flights of stairs. (of course, once i decided to carry the mail upstairs myself because i thought it so silly, and what happened? i then had to relay a message back to the person who wanted to interoffice mail in the first place. hence, i became a messenger boy.)

then there is the blaming bug that goes around whenever anything goes wrong (inevitably, the bug comes back to bite me or leah on the ass, even though often, neither of us are involved initially).

and recently, ira has started wearing a bow tie more often, which i find offensive on many levels.

but the most perplexing and annoying thing are the emails. i get so, so, SO many emails every day, and some of these emails go back and forth, when a two minute phone call would easily suffice.
let's look at a random day. yesterday because i haven't deleted all of those yet. so, i just counted and i received 83 emails yesterday. 83! and that's just to my personal inbox. (i also check three other mailboxes every day, although most of those just have a lot of advice on how i can cure my erectile dysfunction.)
this is absurd. i don't like emailing at work because it means that i don't want to email my friends and loved ones when i'm not at work. of course, i don't really do that. if i email people at all, it is from gmail, while i am sitting at my desk, wondering when they're going to fire me for doing personal things at work. tomorrow?
anyway, i think this email thing is a conspiracy to isolate every person from every other person in some sick experiment to see how long and to what diminutive quality of life we can live if we have only the minimum amount of human interaction. i'm going to research this.
if i find anything out, i'll email you the details.
1 comment:
I don't know what's more offensive about ira's picture: the bow tie, the chest hair, or the thumbs up?
I'll get back to you/him.
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