but since we can't all be randolph raiders forever, it's time to grow up and talk about grown up things.
i've decided to write a screenplay. i don't know yet what the screenplay will be about, and as far as i know i have no idea how to write a screenplay, but how difficult can it be? i mean, if gigli can be a movie, i can write a movie. plus, we all know that i like to write parts for people, such as:
you: you're thinking of writing a screenplay i hear.
me: yes, that's right. who told you?
you: you did, just now. via blog.
me: wow, word travels fast around here....
as you can see, i'm well on my way. i already know how to break up lines by who is saying them. also, i can do stage directions.
(erin enters from the front room and sits gingerly on the couch, feet up on the glass-topped coffee table. she pulls out the laptop and opens it. mara enters and brings her a drink.)
i've got it! i'll write a screenplay about a girl who starts a blog and how that sets off this whole crazy series of blog-related events and then something happens and it's resolved. brilliant!
wait, no, that other thing. boring.
hm.... maybe instead of writing a screenplay, i will use my witch-like powers to make people do my bidding by writing about it. (example: mara just brought me a drink because i wrote that she would. only, she actually brought it before i wrote that, which is how i knew to write it.). okay, let's try it out....
(annie hsu shakes her head slowly and thinks to herself, erin has finally lost it. i should send her a present. or possibly go visit her. or get her a job at my company.)
now, we just have to wait and see if that worked.....
doo be doo...
dum de dum....
la de da...
zippity do dah?
it's taking too long for annie to do my bidding, which makes me think that MAYBE this isn't working. or, maybe it is and she's just really slow (like in a condescending, wink, wink, pat her head kind of way.) i guess it's on to plan b.
i'll let you know when i figure out what plan b is. better yet, you devise plan b and fill me in later. right now, it's time for buffy.
I've always wanted to write a tv show, maybe we should join forces.
we should, indeed.
i'm famous! i'm famous! i'm famous!
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