and to show my appreciation for him and his awesomeness, i present you with this original work, dedicated to that valiant soul:
the giving bear
by erin
once there was a bear....

and he loved a little boy.

and every day the boy would come...
and he would swim with the bear...

and they would catch fish to eat...

and the boy would rest in the bear's soft fur as the shade fell over them.

and the boy loved the bear...

days turned into weeks and years, and eventually the little boy began to grow...

and the bear said,
come boy! come swim with me and catch fish and rest in my fur, and we will be happy.
but the boy said,
i'm too old for that now. what i really want is a girlfriend to make me happy. and a home for a wife. and also some money, and a boat so that i can travel the world.
and so the bear ate the boy for being a shitty little brat.

and the bear was happy.
this is the most awesomest thing ever!
If there were e'er a truer tale, I ne'er heard it.
it was kind of like "puff the magic dragon" for a while...
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