so, i have this really old computer (circa 2003, like whoa) that ate a whole bunch of things off the hard drive eons ago. things like calculator, paint, and spider solitaire (i know, it's really sad and a little cannibalistic....)
anyway, i was on said computer a couple of nights ago, and out of nowhere, it started regurgitating some of these things that disappeared years earlier. it was like a miracle:

one of the things it barfed up was this video i had made in like 2005 while visiting saph. we watched it, and oh. my. god. it was AWESOME.
basically, i'm a cinematographic genius. that's right.
would you like to see it?
you would?
too bad. unfortunately, it stars my lying bastard of an ex-boyfriend, and i don't want to give him any notoriety. also, it mentions my last name several times, and even though becky is trying to make it really easy to internet stalk everyone in her life, i'm at least putting on the appearance that i'm not so findable.
lucky for you, my computer also generously returned my movie maker, so after nabbing one generous backer (thanks, dave!), i was able to produce another fabulous movie that i can show you.
i will take your praise and money now. thank you.
still no word on the missing calculator. let me know if you find it. until then, i'm stuck counting on my fingers.
i love you, daddy erin!!
Well I'm inspired. Also it was nice of you to give permission for the making of this film.
This made me very very happy. It was well done and I looked great! Now make the sequel where I kick your bum.
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