Speaking of ego building, sort of: http://www.cafepress.com/bluegreenred/980159.
Those of you who know me (and if you don’t know me, why not? I have facebook!) might think of me as a random person. I say things that normal people shouldn’t. But surprisingly enough, I favor consistency.
I take lunch around the same time every day. I like to take showers at regular intervals (every other morning-don’t judge!). I call certain people at certain times (i.e. friends with jobs before 10 pm, family members while I’m walking to/from places, friends in school whenever the hell I want to because they’re still in school and can take a nap if I really tire them out) and pretty much go to Target every three weeks (like clock-work).

So, I have these two opposing ideas in my life: routine and randomness. I like routine, and I like to be comfortable. I like to watch ‘Heroes’ on Monday nights, and I liked to get 7+ hours of sleep every night. But, I get bored easily (go figure) so I like to keep things fresh (see above). I can’t eat the same thing for lunch every day, and I like to spend my weekends doing different things. A good example of this opposition lies in my movie-watching habits. I have a bad memory, so in order to really (anything keeping count of how many times I'm using that word?) remember a movie I need to watch it 2 or 3 times, at least. But, I get bored re-watching movies...
That doesn't even make sense and yet it's the world I live in!

And, I’ve even subscribed to Merriam-Webster’s word-a-day in the hopes that the internets can help me reform my simple ways. Maybe instead of being happy I should be jubilant? Or instead of saying ‘that shit’s crazy’ I should say ‘that shit’s folderol’ (that was my word-of-the-day today. And incase you don’t know it means ‘nonsense’). I'm determined not to let my simple-mind get the best of me!

Unfortunately, that's only half the battle. What about the words I say over and over again (like ‘over’ or 'like'), that I can’t control? What about the phrase ‘actually’ that I use before a lot of my anecdotes? I can’t control ‘actually’-it just happens! Or what about ‘loves’? The valley girl expression used to indicate that I really (see? Really’s here again) like something? If I 'loves' something I'm usually excited about it and don't realize I'm saying it. I'm not thinking clearly!
Or what about ‘ew’? I saw ‘ew’ all the time. It’s gotten to be a thing of mine, and I don’t know what to do about it. I don’t say 'ew', like normal people, when there are big monsters under my bed or bugs attacking me.
I don’t scream ‘ew’ if a homeless person pees on me (I mean, I would…but whatever), or if I find a toe with a green nail on it in the afternoon post (‘The Big Lebowski’ anyone?).
I scream ‘ew’ when: I’m surprised. Or I don’t like the weather outside (too hot, too cold, humid, rain, snow, mist, sleet, windy, lightning).

Or if my hair’s messed up.

Or if I don’t like what I’m eating. Or if someone says a gross joke. Or if I say a gross joke and surprise myself (sometimes I like to surprise myself…..BOO!). Or if someone relates an anecdote about a person that bothers me (like: He said he didn’t want to go out with me again because he had to go home and do laundry-ew!). Or if I take a shot of: vodka, rum, gin, tequila, absinthe etc. and it’s too strong.
Or, if the subway’s taking too long, or the bus for that matter. Or to bother ERIN. It's kind of silly, really.

Also, I might say ‘or’ too much. Or ‘also’. Or ‘so’.
Did I conclude anything here? I know I asked too many questions so in that arena: mission accomplished. Well, Erin never concludes anything either (zing!) soooo peace out.

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