Things are going pretty well for me.

So, for this assignment I've decided to blog about an NPR show called 'This I believe'. Has anyone heard of it? Well, I heard about it one Friday night at shul with Erin. Our rabbi told us about it, and it sounded REALLY cool!
Here's a link to the show's website at
Basically, it's a show on NPR where people (famous people or "regular folk" like you and me, that's right like YOU and ME) are encouraged to write short essays about what they "believe". The essays are then put up on the NPR website and some of them are read

What YOU "believe" can be anything. YOU could "believe" that ADIDAS sambas are the best sneakers on Earth, or you could believe that Thursday is the worst day of the week, or that AIDS is way lame.

Well, after <3<3<3<3<3<3 Rabbi Kleinbaum <3<3<3<3<3 (yes, I really really love her that much) told Erin and I about 'This I believe' I decided that I would write an essay. I was GO GO GO for the idea!

I know, it doesn't sound like Erin to lose interest in something, but it's a true story.
The problem is, I don't have a topic yet. I don't know what I "believe" in. This is where YOU come in-I want YOU to help me come up with a topic for my essay!

Here goes:
1) I believe that frozen grapes are amazing
2) I believe that naps are freedom
3) I believe that sunsets are always beautiful
4) I believe that there is beauty in everything
5) I believe that the TV show 'How I Met Your Mother' is hilarious!
6) I believe that creating art is always healing, even if you can't see it until later on
7) I believe that Manchego is the BEST. CHEESE. MMM
8) I believe that shoes really DO make the outfit
9) I believe that there's humor in everything, even if you can't see it until later on
OK, that's it for now. Catch you on the flip side!
i believe that you might be insane a little bit, becky....
i believe that...
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