it all started yesterday. i came into the office, and leah's son had chocolate on his mouth. naturally i was curious about where said chocolate came from, so i said,
me: raphael, you have chocolate on your mouth.
to which he replied
raphael: tee hee hee

at this point, i knew i needed in on the action. but he wouldn't share his delicious looking chocolate frosted glazed donut (with sprinkles) with me. so, i had to go get my own. luckily the donut man lives (i'm pretty sure he lives in that little booth there on the corner, right? just in case i need a donut some time during the night?) on the corner.
it was only 75 cents, and SO WORTH IT.
in fact, i was so happy with my purchase that i decided to get a donut today, too. debbie and i bought one to share, but sadly, it was terrible. i know, right? a terrible donut? it was so sad, and i realized it was because i went to a different guy from yesterday.

so, i rectified this egregious act by getting a donut from corner guy (as i've come to know him over the past two days). it was the same kind from yesterday, and delicious. debbie and i split this one, too. and i thought my craving for donuts had been satisfied.

but i was wrong.
i got another one from corner guy when becky went to get an iced coffee. and it was EQUALLY DELICIOUS.

and then i remembered that i had donuts the other day, too! on our way back from our cousin's wedding (where we embarrassingly asked a man if it was the correct wedding only to find out he was the groom and our cousin. oops!) we stopped at dunkin donuts and had the jolliest dd worker since the days when michelle worked there (and gave free munchkins to all the cute guys).

so, basically, donuts are the new black, and i'm SO into them.
i feel a little sick....
1 comment:
look at me commenting on your blog again.
anyway, that's so funny about michelle! i had forgotten when she told us that on 'iced coffee walk day'.
i'm going to miss you!
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