Tuesday, March 18, 2008

This is Not a Pipe or An Afternoon Chat

oh. hello there. no, no, you aren't interrupting, come on in. really, i insist. don't be shy, come on. that's better.

what? oh, i know, you haven't seen me around much lately....

oh, no! nothing like that, i guess i've just been coping with this crazy thing called life, you know?

yeah? well tell me what's been going on with you.


really?! but you're okay now, right? huh. sorry to hear that....what, me? no, no, i couldn't. i'm kinda afraid of heights, you know?

well, i don't know if i should go into that now. i mean, are you asking because you really want to know or because you feel obligated to do so?

shit, don't get offended! it's a fair question. some people just ask to ask, you know?

don't look at me like that.

no i'm not! i just don't want to waste my breath, you know? if you don't really....hey! how'd that thing go last week?

no, the other thing. with the little guys?

to shreds, you say? that's a shame. anyway, i hate to be rude, but i have to go back to work now.

oh, i know, it's work, work, work all the time these days....

well, you COULD. you just never apply yourself.


fine, but only three.

the answer is obviously yes to that.

only in the afternoons.

hm...that's a hard one.....i guess i'd have to say....spandex. yellow, at best. okay, so i'll see you later, right?


you too.

bye-bye now.

1 comment:

Who says that? said...

dear erin (bo berin),
please come back to work STAT.

you know who this is