i don't have much blogging time before i leave for our holiday party. can i just say that for once i am going to a holiday party that really means chanukah? can i? thank you.
for once, i am going to a holiday party that really means chanukah. in order not to make the goyem:

feel left out, we don't call it a chanukah party. (to be fair, i should point out the becky pictured above donning a christmas hat, is, in fact, jewish. goyem is her nickname. why? because she said--and this is verbatim--christmas is an american holiday. huh?)
i have to stop making fun of becky now because it's time to go. but i'll continue later.
11 dec. 2007
i am signifying the day change by writing in a new color. i chose this particular color because it is the color of my hangover. this particular hangover has been around off and on for quite a few days, now. i think it may have a little crush on me because it really won't leave me alone. i am trying to be polite, you know, feign minimal polite interest, but i'm pretty much over it. even a kansan will eventually just come out and blow off an unwanted pursuer.
to be fair, though, i did start drinking yesterday at three, which means that i was encouraging it. but i'm done with all that now! turned over a new leaf and all of that. really.
on an unrelated note, i was drunk last night, and i realized that i'm really funny. i mean, i always suspected because people who are high always find me to be hilarious, but it wasn't really confirmed until yesterday. now, the details of said confirmation are fuzzy (blurry?) at best, but i know that walking arm and arm with bear, i laughed a lot. also there were rainbows and puppies. all in all, a successful evening.
i'm switching colors again because i just found out that an undisclosed childhood friend and partner in laughing crime, has just gotten engaged. this is news. big news. big, BIG news! but i can't give her name because my blog is very popular and her friends might find out via the internet and then she'll be in trouble. phooey. this also means that if you get too close to me, someone will propose to you.
and that's today's moral.
1 comment:
I would just like to point this out:
Had I had more than "ond hand's worth" (aka 5) drinks when I said that? YES.
That is all.
Also, your side curls are really hot in that picture ;)
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