the nice thing about working on nye (see how hip i am with my abrevs?) is that there are very few people working. because everyone thinks i'm not here, i get fewer annoying phone calls, and the best part is that both of my bosses are gone, so i don't have to do any actual work. not that i do actual work on a daily basis, because i try to avoid it as much as possible. this would be easier if people weren't constantly asking me to do things.
for instance, i'm supposed to go upstairs to get something to ship, as well as downstairs to get supplies. i mean, we have an elevator, but i can't justify using it for the one and a half floor walk up, and i feel lazy not walking down the stairs. plus said elevator is small and scary. i feel like it's just waiting to kill me dead.

come to think of it, that might not be so bad. i mean, then i wouldn't have to do my work. not that i'm planning on doing work anyway, but meh.
speaking of meh, it was recently brought to my attention that i have a problem with monosyllabic definitive statements.
person x: erin, i am having a personal life crisis and i need you to help me figure out the meaning of life so that i refrain from killing myself.
me: yeah.
person y: i think it's time you know, erin. i'm madly in love with you and i want to bear your children no matter how massive their heads might be.
me: bah.
person q: erin, do you think it's a good idea to invest in a magic 8 ball? i'm thinking it could help me when i'm trying to make important life decisions.
me: meh.
as you can see, i'm helpful. these one syllable words keep me coolly distant like this guy:
wait a minute. is this camel supposed to emulate a black man?? i think i'm offended. on the other hand, he is quite appealing to children, and therefore children will learn to think that black camel-men are cool and not scary, so that perhaps they won't grow up to cross the street upon seeing them or shooting them in the face in "self defense". on the other other hand, joe camel has been banned because he is appealing to children, thus trying to keep a black brotha down.
so, we've come full circle, and i'm offended. i could just remove the image and be done with it, but i think we all know i'm too lazy for that. maybe instead i'll sue the camel company. that'll be a shocker, no one is ever trying to sue the smoking industry.
speaking of smoking, i'm hungry. mayhaps i'll nibble on lunch 1. now.
1 comment:
Didn't you hear? Joe Camel was just killed. He was apparently reaching into his lapel for cigarettes and the cops shot him. On the bright side, there's one less drug dealer we have to worry about.
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