Monday, December 24, 2007

Gretch Guest GUEST Blogs...(Or, what are cousins for, anyway?)

You people. You Johnny-Come-Latelies. You HAVE NO IDEA! About Erin that is... Erin, Erin, Erin (I hate to repeat her name so many times in one sentence, she must love it so). Jayanna has shed light on her formative years. She is SO MUCH kinder and gentler now!!! When I first met her she was--how do I put this diplomatically?--oh yeah, Jew Demon Spawn (if I put "Jew" in the sentence, it's automatically funnier, right?). See, Erin was BFFs with my sister, Virginia, and my cousin, Jayanna, when they were all in high school. During that era, I was a busy young woman, who minded her own business and treated others well--just as she wished to be treated. But Erin--well, she undid all my best, most golden-hearted intentions. I spoke, she smirked. I offered my opinion, she threw her head back and guffawed. I held forth on important topics of the day, she berated every last one of them. My insights were stifled and my creative efforts were eviscerated. She accused me of being unfocused and--what?!!! You have something shiny?!


This is Jane, Jayanna's sister, cousin to Virginia, two of Erin's childhood best friends. I too, know the perils of one you call Erin. Here's my story. At age 9, Erin stole my FAVORITE porcelain kitten music box, OUT OF MY ROOM. It was wonderful, having the cutest kittens and playing the song, "Tea For Two." Anyway, she broke it, wrapped it in a piece of dirty laundry, and hid it under my bed. Then she told me my sister was the culprit. This is all well and good, but I hated my sister for the next ten years, and it ruined our relationship for all time. The years we missed! The person she, I, we could have been! Only recently have I found out it was Erin who broke my toy. Only now can my sister's and my relationship begin to heal.

1 comment:

Erin Elan said...

it's true, i'm evil. BUT jayanna was the one who stole the music box and framed me. i was terrified of your bright green carpet and tried to stay away from your bedroom.