play doh boy has decided that we need six month goals:

this is terrifying because it makes me realize (or brings to the forefront of my mind, i kinda already knew...) that i have no ambition. i really don't care about bettering myself, and this has become even more true now that malcom gladwell:

has turned me onto the fact that i can never be truly successful at anything unless i invest 10,000 hours at it. and even then, i also have to be a genius. a genius, i tell you! this is very discouraging news, as i get bored easily, and i thought the version of trivial pursuit that we owned was the genius V version, which is why it was so hard:

so, yeah...ahem.
anyway, i realize that the point of a goal is to accomplish something that i've been looking to accomplish. but, really, i can't think of anything. and i thought pdb would forget about the whole goal thing and go back to drinking too much and taking cabs when he could easily take the subway, but no. instead, he's forcing everyone who was involved in last year's march madness to now take part in this year's six month hell.
so, you think of something for me, mkay? great. you let me know what you come up with. better yet, just tell matthew. and then do it for me.
Your six month goal is to get to Chicago. You will find inspiration and your ambition will be renewed once you are reunited with yours truly.
I think your goal should be to lose some weight. I mean, I'm not trying to say that you're fat, just that you are on the road to becoming a fatty fatty fat fat, and, as your friend, I think a six month goal of cutting your current weight in half would be a good preventative measure and give you the sense of self-discipline and accomplishment you so obviously need.
You better come up with one.
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