look at me! i'm cape cod. i flex my arm muscle at the rest of the state of massachusetts. something about water, as well... and boats, we can't forget boats.
some good things about the cape include:
1. time with friends
3. drag queens (the good ones):

4. chillaxation time
6. ellie moody (our awesome tram driver to the beach)
6. becky's mom!
some bad things about the cape include:
1. the traffic on the way
2. drag queens (the scary ones):

3. the people who sell quirky t-shirts (why yes i DID get into a fight with a woman trying to sell me a sweatshirt for more than was advertised on the sign above said sweatshirt. thank you for asking.)
4. almost dying on the way back.
some things that happened on the cape that were bad, but the cape can't rightly be blamed for:
1. everything about peggy sue got married. (how did i used to like this movie??)
but let's not dwell on the negative, as that wouldn't be like me. let's talk about the good. so, it was totally awesome to hang with debbie, becky, and harleigh. they hadn't met each other, which is weird because they obviously should've by now. so, we remedied that sitch.
also, watching becky and her legions of cats was really entertaining, if only because becky's head darts from side to side trying to follow the movements of all of them. it makes her look more spastic than normal (tough to do, i know). plus she refers to them as her siblings, which is amusing in an i'm-actually-kind-of-concerned way.
but the best thing about the cape was becky's mom! becky's mom summers at the cape, so we knew she'd be there when we went to visit. what i didn't realize is that becky's mom is a MOM. i mean, i should've put two and two together, but i'm an adult now (sorta), so i don't expect people to do things for me (unless you're one of my friends, read: minions. i DO expect you to do almost everything for me.) any more.
well, my friends, becky's mom! does it all. she provides beds and linens, gives advise on where to go and what to see, shares her lodgings, makes food(!) AND doesn't let you help clean up after yourself. she sneakily treats you to dinner, and she talks about how to improve becky's life with you while becky sits in the background making faces (stop pouting, becky!). all in all, i would definitely recommend her to a friend.
all of that AND i got to have nap time. hurrah! the system works.
1 comment:
I'm talking to you right now...but I figured that I should leave you a comment too. Can you tag Harleigh's cleavage in your blog? I know she was really excited about that idea...
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