see, her name is erin. for those of you who haven't realized this yet, my name is ALSO erin (although, to be clear, i'm older [and wiser], so i was erin first), so when people ask what i'm doing, and i say i'm going home to hang out with erin, they think that i've turned into one of those people who talks about themselves in third person. then they look at me with a mixture of contempt and pity, slowly shake their heads and walk away. and erin doesn't like that*!
if i CAN manage to get through the awkward confusion of the fact that our names are the same, but that i'm not, in fact, talking about myself, then arises a second problem. people want to know how i know erin. so, i tell them, truthfully, that i know her from haiti. so they think she's haitian, which i'm pretty sure she's not:

not that there aren't whitey-magee haitians. i just know for a fact that erin is from colorado:

it's just i don't know her from there, i know her from haiti, so confusion abounds.
unfortunately, our whole friendship has been peppered with such problems. there was a whole debate over who should be erin 1 and who should be erin 2 while we were in haiti. see, she was there first, so erin 1 would make sense, but since i'm older, i should really be erin 1. see how boring haiti is? we were forced to discuss these things at length.
but, i should get used to it. while she won't be on my couch forever, erin will be in new york to go to grad school with former first children:

so people are going to think that erin is speaking in third person all of the time when really she is going to hang out with erin.
conclusion? to be honest, i don't even know what happened up there....
*erin 2, alias erin 1, alias, haiti erin, alias, girl on my couch could not be reached to verify her dislike of speaking in third person, but erin 1, alias erin 2, alias me, for sure doesn't like it. she wishes that she could've reached the formerly mentioned erin so as to make the joke work on multiple levels. alas, things didn't work out. now erin is sad. what?