well, he had to be replaced because he moved to china (typical...) and i forget about people when they're physically no longer in my presence.
anyway, after months and months of extensive thought, planning, and whatnot (whatnot being its own definitive grouping), i've FINALLY got a new best friend:

his name is dan
(hi dan)
and he's my new best friend.
why? well, i'm glad you asked!
first of all, he knows words like wysiwig. AND he knows what they mean.

also, he brought me a reese's pieces. yes. one. yes. the little candy-coated dealies:

AND, he dressed up for purim in the office--he's not even jewish!--and he was the only one who bothered to dress for the holiday (i was making a political statement about the unfair treatment of queen vashti by not dressing up, myself...) in a building FULL of jews. what's that all about??
and this one time (approximately on hour ago), we emailed each other at the SAME TIME. isn't that crazy?!
best of all, though, when he's been drinking, he invites us all over to his house and:
lets us break his dishes
promises to make us dinner

and he's a REALLY good cook. or so i imagine from all of the delicious foods he brings in. i don't know that i've ever tried anything he's made actually...
anyway, let's welcome dan into the fold of my friendship.
and let's wait a couple of weeks to share with him how demanding, bratty, bossy, annoying, mean, evil, and terrifying i am.

OK so, even if Dan "was" your "best friend", for a moment, or "wrinkle" in time, after reading this he's probably going to get a restraining order against you.
Or at least be creeped out like I am.
Also, everyone, Erin's birthday is March 21.
Becky, Dan has met Erin, he already knows she is creepy!
Yeah, but creepy in person is different than creepy on the internet for everyone to see. I can't copy and paste when Erin is creepy in person. But I can copy and paste and comment on her blog directly.
sniff...sniff...(tear) I don't know what to say. Only that, I will do my best to fulfill the obligations of my newly appointed position -- as your best friend!
Wouldn't it be a reese's piece?
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