granted, i'm usually up early on sundays and every other day for that matter, as i don't believe in sleep. i guess it's not so much that i don't believe in it as much as i don't think it exists in any sort of permanent state. i know some people can sleep at just about any time for just about any length of time, but frankly, i've always been suspicious of them....

but then again, i also don't think that asparagus doesn't make my pee smell, but saph informed me yesterday that 1/4 of the population just can't smell that smell. don't worry, we've formulated a plan to figure out if my pee is free of the asparagus smell or if my nasal capacity isn't broad enough to encompass that particular aroma. if you're nice, i'll spare you the details and just tell you the results.

anyway, i'm up early on a sunday, and i'm annoyed about it. i know this comes as a shock, as i'm never annoyed about anything. but, i'm extra agitated because i'm wearing a lime green shirt and i have to go to work today. i mean, i have to go to the building i work in.
because it's israel day.
what is israel day, you want to know?
it's a day where i have to wake up early sport a lime green shirt and go to park avenue to march in a parade celebrating israel. i'm pretty sure it was designed to punish me for not wanting to go to work on the weekend.
but erin, you ask, why are you going if you don't want to? surely they can't force you to celebrate israel day!
hm....this one's tricky. you're a wily little devil, aren't you?
okay, they can't FORCE me to go. this is true. but what they CAN do is lure me in by announcing the free breakfast, so that the odds are really really good that i will go. (i briefly tried to think of a really good ratio to insert here, but i recently found out that i'm particularly bad with ratios, so i quickly gave up. you're imaginative. think of one yourself.)
anyway, i'm annoyed because i simply cannot bypass free breakfast. i'm jewish! AND i work for a non-profit!
so, i'm off to the israel day parade.
yay, bagels!

er, i mean, israel.

really? you're 60? that's OLD, dude.
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