anyway, because debbie and becky are such good, close friends, i decided to share with them my (new) favorite book:

this book is AMAZING! it's all about campaigning and teaches kids the uselessness of the electoral college. what could be better?
now, becky has been subjected to this book before, as the last time we were in b&n and discovered that it exists, i made her read it and tell me how great it is. so when she wandered off mentally to look at other books, i allowed it. but debbie, DEBBIE failed me. she did NOT love my book. she made faces and didn't shed a single tear about the heartfelt ending. in fact, she may have rolled her eyes. what is this treachery? how can i be expected to maintain a friendship with someone who obviously has no heart???
well, i thought about it, and i've developed a theory as to the heartlessness of dear shifty-eyes. you see, the main character of said book, grace we'll call her (because that's her name), is
*SPOILER ALERT! i'm about to reveal the ending. if you want to be surprised, don't read on!*
a woman. i think that grace's big win in the end made debbie a little apprehensive, as she's an obama supporter:

i think she was a little intimidated when grace actually became president. and while there is certainly no excuse for picking on cute, little grace (i mean, she's a CHILD, and tommy gave her enough trouble already), this goes a long way toward explaining debbie's actions (or blatant lack thereof).
i forgive debbie, though, because she and becky bought me an amazing dinner and an amazing dessert and helped me to freak ira out. (we showed up at his apartment and demanded to be let in. luckily, ira has to be a good host, even if he is scared and doesn't understand what's going on....)

so, good luck, grace! i still support you. and debbie, i've decided we can be friends afterall.
unless i discover you have no soul....
I do like that book.
And You.
And Debbie.
And dessert.
And freaking people out (sort of).
And MY BOOK (that I can't remember the title of).
And you (did I already say that?)
I would like a framed copy of that picture of me and Obama. I like you, even if you think I have no heart. And I really enjoy freaking Ira out (and Becky as an added side bonus). Oh yeah, and I also like when people write about me on their blogs.
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