i woke up this morning with a buzzing in my head. coming into consciousness, i felt i was missing something, and i wanted desperately to hold onto it, but i couldn't quite recall what it was.
it was you.
i miss you. i miss you like an amputee misses her leg (assuming that's the appendage she no longer has). i miss waking up and having you there, the way you were always waiting with a smile. you always called. you always wanted to hang out, and you never stood me up. not once.
and i know that this is my fault, that i'm the one who drove you away. i insisted upon it, even. you wanted to stay. you said you would never leave me, and you meant it. but i was stubborn. i turned my back on you, and now my head aches and my body yearns for your sweet, sweet goodness.
i see you everywhere i turn. when i open my fridge, you are there. walking down the street, you are there. i see your sticky goodness coating the lips of children everywhere i go, and i long for the half-crazed frenzied look in their eyes.
i remember those highs so well....
the thing is, i miss you. i know, i know, i let you go. and it's only been three days (three days!), but i still remember the way life looked when you were around. now, the colors are duller. people are duller. my life feels...empty.
i wish i could have you back. i want to open my arms and ask you to jump into them. i want to let myself be human and ask you to return to me. but....
i can't.
there's too much at stake. so, i have to be strong, sugar. i have to say no to all of the sweetness and happiness you bring me. i have to accept this terrible headache that has been persisting over the past few days.
i will still smell you on the wind, and when i do, i will close my eyes, inhale deeply, and think:
haagen dasz
that fake maple syrup which is actually made from corn syrup
chocolate in all of its magnificent forms
i will remember you. please, please don't forget me....

love always,
you scared me, and i'll direct my hatered for not shopping to hating you (i think that's healthy).
You are too funny, in a ridiculously tragic sort of way.
this is hilarious, and sort of sad because it is true, rather than just comedy
that was tight! I enjoyed it, sweet sweet goodness. Ahhhh. drool...
I thought I was going to do my nice need-o-the-day and comment in your blog since last I checked no one else had. But now I see that people other than me actually read this...
whatever. I liked the entry too!
I have a rogue hair on my inner arm. Can you write a hate letter to my single inner arm hair follicle? Thanks.
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