Friday, January 11, 2008

My Mid-Morning Snack or Why I Look Like Edward Scissorhands

i just finished my mid-morning snack. generally, i like to hold off until eleven to enjoy my mid-morning snack, but today is special. why? i guess because i got hungry at ten thirty, okay? you always have to question everything i do!

anyway, today my mid-morning snack was particularly enjoyable, as it was one of these guys:

only the trader joe's brand. the kind i used to steal from aliza when i nannied for her. (she'd ask if there were any left and even though i had one in my bag, i'd lie and say no so that i could eat it later when she wasn't looking....)

i really like these guys. some reasons for this are:

they are 100% sugar

they are fruit, so i can pretend they are healthy

they taste yummy

they are pretty

but there are some drawbacks to this delicious treat. some of those include:

they encourage me to lie to children (although this is debatably a perk)

they are sticky

really, these are the only drawbacks, but being sticky is a huge problem for me. fruit leathers taste so good, yet, there is an epic struggle to get the damn things out of their wrappers without getting their stickiness all over my entire body. i swear, i'm like winnie-the-pooh when it comes to these guys:

and as happy as pooh looks, it doesn't make me happy to be covered in sticky. so, i have to carefully peel back the wrapper, which of course doesn't want to cooperate. i look so stupid fighting to turn the damn thing inside out without touching the fruit. and then i kind of have to attack it with my teeth, and i look like a dog or something. and then somehow, even though i've been SUPER careful, stickiness manages to sneak its way in between my fingers so that i look like edward scissorhands trying to unstick me fingers from each other. it's not worth it.

okay, yes it is. i LOVE these, i'm really attractive as edward scissorhands. niiiiice.

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