i thought i'd mix things up and write first thing in the morning rather than waiting until i'm too busy and then doing it. this way, ideas are fresh in my head, and the IT department probably isn't searching my computer for reasons to fire me. yet.
the only problem is, my brain hasn't fully started working yet. granted, it could take weeks for it to FULLY start working, but all the same, i'm feeling a little sluggish. it doesn't help that it's overcast and rainy outside. stupid rain.
ew! i just at a bad sugar snap pea
now my mouth is mad at me. this is terrible news! anyway, i have been spending my morning doing two things (this is not including the time i have to take out of my schedule to glare at people who ask me to do work. but, really, one of the requests i've gotten was to put something on my boss's desk. this is a ridiculous request as my boss's desk is literally three feet in front of mine. in fact it'd be easier for you to put it on her desk than for you to walk to mine, as her's is nearer the doorway. but, anyway...)
the first thing i've been doing is entering data into our database. this is boring, and i don't like to do it. it amazes me what jobs you have to have a degree for. really? i potentially spent hundreds of thousands of dollars for an education so that i could be qualified to stuff envelopes and do data entry?
the second thing i've been doing, is looking for the mcdonald's commercial that makes my sister (and me) cry.
this, of course, got me thinking about other commercials that make me cry. like that oreo commercial where the dad is waiting for his adultish daughter to come home and she's like
hey dad.
and then she goes and grabs some oreos, and he's like
i remember when you used to need me to help you open those cookies.
and he looks so sad, and so she comes over and asks for his help. and i can't convey how touching this moment is!
and of course there's the toys "r" us commercial where they sing the i don't wanna grow up song, and it shows the kids who were in the original commercial in the 80s followed by how they are when they grow up playing with the same toys. SO UPSETTING! why do they have to grow up?
thinking about these commercials made me think about the other television things that make me cry. like in the futurama episode leela's homeworld where we see the montage of leela's parents doing nice things for her over the years and this song is playing.
okay. this is making me all weepy at work, and i don't want to have to explain that i'm sad because leela's parents never got to see her grow up. so, i'm going to go back to data entry.
where did all of our interns go???