tis not normally my custom to blog on saturdays, as it is my day of rest (yes, i was just taking a cat nap. i can call it that because olive was sleeping next to me on the couch), yet here we are. what could be so important that i need to blog about it RIGHT NOW?
two things, really.
so, today i spent an obscene amount of money on eye care (read: eye exams, glasses and contact lenses) as i am extremely blind and the industry knows that it has me over a barrel. of course, i'm so blind that if they didn't correct my vision, then i wouldn't be able to see what was in the barrel or even the barrel at all, so it wouldn't really concern me. it's in the industry's best interest to correct my vision so i can see the barrel it holds me over and thus it can mock me more effectively.
but i digress.
spending so much money makes me very, very unhappy. very. especially since i didn't spend it on the frivolous purchase of every season of six feet under that i've been eying on amazon. (damn! see how they've got me? i couldn't eye the show if i couldn't see....)
that in combination with thing the second is what spurred on this sabbath day blog. what is that second thing, you ask? this email that i received from madamadam that said:
This would be you right after jumpy unpleasntness. (by which he meant after we de-planed in israel to singing and dancing israelis who made me want to cry. no, really, i was fighting off tears i was so tired and horrified.)
this email was accompanied by this picture:
this made me realize that i am:
a. unhappy a lot
b. very easy to read
let's take a look at some recent evidence of my easily read unhappiness (in order of most recent to least recent)....

this is why alcohol is a necessity in life. here is evidence of how alcohol equals happiness (in no particular order, as these nights all blur together):

so let this be a lesson to you. if you want to take me from:


1 comment:
Hi love, looking at all these pictures of Erin in her many moods (a.k.a Annoyed At Everything and Drunk) makes me realize how much I love you...just seeing your frowning face makes me smile...(the fact that I am posting on a blog for the first time ever might give you an indication of how much I adore you, or how board I am staying home sick for the 3rd day in row, either way...)
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