Friday, January 4, 2008

Re-post or Rebecca Must be Punished!

so, i was going to write in my blog today. some possible subjects were:

don't you hate pants?

what cold does to my hands.

what makes the sabbath holy?

or the ever popular:

rebecca made me do things at work today, and therefore she must be punished. (for this topic i was going to delve into rebecca's love life, then solicit all of you to find a nice jewish boy, possibly provided by your grandmothers, to sic on her. then we'd talk about her apparent obsession with brunch [why does she get to have brunch EVERY weekend? where are MY mimosas? why am i not invited? is it because i bring nice, awkward jewish boys for her??] and her lack of computer skills.)

but nay, i shall not. is it because what makes the sabbath holy is that i shall not blog?


it's because i found someone much funnier than me to take up your time.


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