Friday, June 6, 2008

The Sad Farewell or I'm Going on Vacation, So Don't Bother to Complain About my Lack of Blogging

so, i actually already blogged today, if you're interested.

but i do have something very pathetic and tragic to bring up.

today, we lost one of our nearest and dearest, which is especially sad because i haven't seen her for a few days.

yes, friends, i'm talking about debbie:

look at her there, volunteering for her birthday, sweet girl that she is.

or should i say was?

yes, friends, sadly we must bid farewell to debbie, not just because i'm not going to see her for twenty days, nay, because she has found the evils of guitar hero.

good bye, lovely debbie. you shall be missed...

1 comment:

Who says that? said...

I MISS YOU!!!!!!!!!!!
AND DEBBIE!!!!!!!!!!
And I took a sick day today because Honduras and I got into a fight and Honduras totally kicked my ass.

Hope you're having fun!

Also, I played WII in El Salvador and it was amazing. I still think we (all the people we know who live in Astoria) should go in on one and take turns playing it! Yeah?!? You want to?!?!