Tuesday, June 24, 2008

The Final Countdown or So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish

so, i'm in my final few days of "work" and i'm surprisingly saddened about the prospect of leaving. i mean, i've poured my heart and soul into this job, nurturing the trees with my very being, pruning them with my love and affection, and now i have to let them grow without me.

i'm just kidding. a more appropriate metaphor:

i work for an environmental organization that plants trees. a couple of weeks ago, we ripped the tree out from in front of our building in order to even out the pavement or some such. that's kind of how i feel about this place; rather than build upon the goodness that is here, or, you know, work with the tree out front to help it grow, we tear it from the earth and pretend it never existed.

deep, huh?

unfortunately, i kind of like some of the people who work here, though, and even though i know where they live, it will be kinda sad to not see them at work every day. my office is a lot like the show "the office" with its ridiculousness and quirky characters.

and i've learned things from being here. i've become a more well-rounded person (and not just a more rounded person, though all of the free bagels and lox does round out my physique quite a bit...) being able to juggle things like "supposed to be working" with "pretending to be working" and "just plain not working even a little bit" (which is what i'm mastering right now). i've also learned how to tell people i'm busy when i'm not because i don't want to do the work they have for me.

all in all, learning galore. and for a first job in the "real world" it hasn't been bad.

so, you know, so long. and thanks for all the fish.


Who says that? said...

Your artwork is truly inspiring.

Jewish National Fund said...

TELL ME YOU READ DOUGLAS ADAMS! I thought I was the only one who read "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy". This might actually give credibility for us being best friends.

Who says that? said...

I've read it too!

Sorry, am I budding in?