Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Volunteering or A Sight for Sore Eyes

mayhaps you recall awhile back when i kept signing up to volunteer and then ditched out at the last minute. my reasoning was that this way, i can still get the acclaim from people around me:

oh erin! you're SO great! you sign up to volunteer!

without actually having to be around people in need. not that i have really obvious commitment issues or anything, because i TOTALLY don't...ahem.

anyway, this week, i decided, what the hell? i'll go, i'll go. i'll go. i'll go. and i did. well, i went once, not four times. and i was a little bit late getting there. but that's not the point!

the point is something like this: so i went to do this project i sometimes do where i help people with severely low or no vision do art projects. basically, i'm their eyes in whatever capacity that means for the person i happen to be working with. (deal with the preposition there, dad. i'm exerting my independence). i like this program because i get to play with ribbons and paint, and if things end up looking a little crappy, no one's the wiser. everyone wins!

but this week, it became abundantly clear that i should NOT, in fact, be volunteering, that, in fact, tis better for me to drop out before actually appearing at the volunteer site.

turns out, i steal.

from the blind.

this is actually 100% true, but in my defense, i NEEDED that wire in order to complete my halloween costume, and what with broomball games* and hamburgers all this week, i didn't know when i would fit in a trip to buy the wire. also i kept forgetting. and i'm lazy.

but if it makes everyone feel better, i feel slightly bad about stealing from the blind. i would put it somewhere on the feeling bad spectrum between kicking kittens and not telling someone his headlights are still on:

pretty low on the continuum, really, but just in case, and since i just finished repenting, i thought i'd get it out there.

really, i don't want there to be any secrets between us....thanks for understanding. you're a doll.

*misleading. no brooms were actually used in the playing of this game.


Deb said...

I don't think you should feel badly. I mean if you can't steal from the blind, who can you steal from?

Anonymous said...

little children, you can always steal from little children. They are tiny and usually bad at fighting back.

Who says that? said...

i was with you...and i really don't remember you a) stealing or b) talking about stealing.

Erin Elan said...

why would i talk about stealing there? they're blind, not deaf!

Anonymous said...

I think its hilarious that you think not telling someone their headlights are on is worse than kicking kittins.

Who says that? said...

wait a second, you don't actually kick kittens do you? i might have to re-evaluate our friendship.

also, as i told you before, we then went to dinner after volunteering and i proceeded to ramble on about who knows could have slipped in 'i stole wire' at some point. it's only fair if i ramble on to you that you tell me your secrets.