last night we instituted a new rule called wrath of god. the way we did it, the narrator would randomly choose a player out of a hat-like object. (it was actually the plastic top of something that looked like a piece from my food processor. mara assures me that my food processor had no involvement in wrath of god.) if someone tries to kill or kick the chosen person (of whom the narrator alone has knowledge) out of town, then the person who led the charges dies when the chosen one goes.
being jewish, i like the idea of wrath of god. it's kinda like the book of job, where god and the devil make a bet over this stand up guy, job. because god loves job so much, god kills off job's entire family, takes away his wealth, his material possessions, probably even his nice, attractive hairline. there is more to the story. something about faith and sticking to god even when god takes everything away (hell, wasn't god the one to give in the first place??), but whatever.
i could also relate the idea of being the chosen one to buffy. but i wouldn't do that....
hm, i don't really remember how this is relevant....
okay, well, let's try this.
while many of my "friends" have told me that they "read" my "blog," i've noticed that none of you are subscribers. this is upsetting. you may not know this, but i'm very hip, and my blog is culturally topical. if you aren't a subscriber, you will miss out on all the cool water cooler talks...

man: hey, did you get that piercing you were talking about?
woman: i TOTALLY subscribe to erin's blog. she is SO cool and also a pivotal part of pop-culture. i recommend everyone be as awesome as me and subscribe as well.
man: you know, that didn't really answer my question.
so as you can see, you should subscribe to my blog to make friends with a blonde woman and/or some guy in a suit.
also, if you don't subscribe, the wrath of god will smite you.
WOW, threatening people with the wrath of God so that they subscribe to this "culturally topical" blog? Interesting. Are you sure this isn't some type of inside sales job and you're not getting paid for each person you get to read this? Is Buffy paying you to market for her? Are you working for Haagen Dazs? Or the company the made your boots?
No seriously, interesting.
I subscribed. Happy now? No, of course not.
I'm making a stand and NOT signing up for your blog! Just wanted you to know that. (also it's too confusing and I'm not sure what subscribing to it means, but with it being your message on gchat I check it daily. Part because I'm bored and the other part being....well actually there is no other part. love you.)
What JJ said is funny! I subscribed.
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