needless to say, i was with The Gays. As part of his straight people outreach program (or SPOP), play doh boy decided to take me out with him. i keep trying to tell him that i'm a lesbian but he refuses to believe that anyone would be attracted to women, so he doesn't believe me. regardless, i was excited to finally be invited to go out with The Gays. all of these years of waiting patiently for them to recognize that i'm secretly one of them, and i've finally broken in!
it turns out, The Gays are very judgmental. usually this would bother me. i mean, i was a women's studies minor, and i'm all about not objectifying people and such. maybe it was because they weren't judging women (e.g. me). or maybe it was all the vodka (it goes down faster when you drink it from three straws at once), but i got sucked into it. three drinks in, and i was chatting up a headless mannequin, and i couldn't stop judging her outfit. HELLO! you look stupid. who dressed you, anyway? she was ridiculous. but i did a good job of being smug and superior without being too insulting.
i think we knew it was time to go when it seemed like a good idea to get up on the podiums with the male models (me: "'sokay, mwhy bruthrrrsemmodel"). naturally, we went to get food because:

now, i have to hand it to cosi, when we went stumbling through their glass doors, it was straight into their welcoming arms. both pdb and i have been waiters before, and we both know that drunk people are the worst. perhaps this knowledge is what made us so loud and obnoxious. it was like our right! still, i felt bad. but not bad enough to not demand attention from both Liza ("like liza manelli!" said pdb) and danny every three point five seconds. and to their credit, they were really nice to us and treated us like the incompetents that we were. danny even lovingly built us double straws so we wouldn't have to try to bend forward to drink from a regular length straw. that could have been disastrous for everyone involved.

eventually, after many a trip to the bathroom and making friends with the old man at the next table by hating christmas music, we said good-bye to our chums. it was sad letting them go, but when pdb loudly suggested they come out with us, they were all, like, um, we're working. whatevs. anyway, we had to go continue our night with The Gays.
and that's what we did. i mean, i would recount it all, because it was a TON of fun and it ended with tiredness and good times all around. but, i'm boring myself, and trying to watch futurama at the same time.
and the moral of the story is: The Gays are people, too, and therefore have the right to walk their tiny little dogs wherever they want, have support groups on facebook, get married, and of course, drink a lot of vodka.
the end.
now, i have to hand it to cosi, when we went stumbling through their glass doors, it was straight into their welcoming arms. both pdb and i have been waiters before, and we both know that drunk people are the worst. perhaps this knowledge is what made us so loud and obnoxious. it was like our right! still, i felt bad. but not bad enough to not demand attention from both Liza ("like liza manelli!" said pdb) and danny every three point five seconds. and to their credit, they were really nice to us and treated us like the incompetents that we were. danny even lovingly built us double straws so we wouldn't have to try to bend forward to drink from a regular length straw. that could have been disastrous for everyone involved.
eventually, after many a trip to the bathroom and making friends with the old man at the next table by hating christmas music, we said good-bye to our chums. it was sad letting them go, but when pdb loudly suggested they come out with us, they were all, like, um, we're working. whatevs. anyway, we had to go continue our night with The Gays.
and that's what we did. i mean, i would recount it all, because it was a TON of fun and it ended with tiredness and good times all around. but, i'm boring myself, and trying to watch futurama at the same time.
and the moral of the story is: The Gays are people, too, and therefore have the right to walk their tiny little dogs wherever they want, have support groups on facebook, get married, and of course, drink a lot of vodka.
the end.